Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Maritime - "Paraphernalia"
I've been a little out of sorts this last week...and my lack of quality posts has become somewhat of an annoyance for me. Not because I think the world is anxiously awaiting my next musical proclamation...but because I feel like I've had a lot to write about (musically), but I've had a hard time actually making sense of all the half-thoughts jogging about in my brain. If I can't put together a solid, coherent, musical thought I just as well should spare you, the reader, from having to wade through my nonsense. With all that out of the way, the mid-week palate cleanser is from one of my new favorite bands: Maritime.
If any of you had any good-taste moments in the late 90's you were more than likely a fan of The Promise Ring. They were the "pop" side of the "emo" spectrum back in the day...and delivered a handful of albums that were fun, upbeat, and had loads of hooks. It was music you could bounce your head you could dance to...without all the trappings of having to look like you played keytar in The Faint (and without the suck-factor that came along with everything associated with The Faint). It was great music without the pretense. This brings me to Maritime, a new band fronted by Davey von Bohlen. It's amazing slices of pop goodness...mixed in with a nice nod to bands like The Cure and The Smiths/Moz. Full review of their record will come tomorrow, but until then please sit back and enjoy their new video for "Paraphernalia".
Buy their record...thank me later.
Note: This video was actually shot amidst a raging Wisconsin blizzard. That's real wind and snow for all you West Coast people. No fake wind machines = awesome.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Weekend Picks - 04/01/11

"...and your favorite find is just my second-hand secret..."
Brilliant. While I was devouring her "Back To Me" record, I also found time to listen to some other great bands. Again, my music tastes are usually all over the map stylistically...and this week was no different. I have never had a tough time listening to Swedish metal, only to hear Johnny Cash with the next song. Great music IS great, regardless of the genre...and everyone should have room in their play lists for In Flames, and Adele! Enjoy...
Weekend Picks - 04/01/11
-Kathleen Edwards - "Back To Me"
-Stars - "The Five Ghosts"
-Creeper Lagoon - "Remember The Future"
-At The Drive In - "Relationship Of Command"
-Killswitch Engage - "As Daylight Dies"
-Hey Mercedes - "Loses Control"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: Here is a great live video of Kathleen Edwards performing the incredible "Copied Keys". I'm always a sucker for a Pedal Steel...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ok Go - This Too Shall Pass
For the mid-week palate cleanser you're going to have the opportunity to view the greatest music video ever made. That's a big statement..."the greatest music video of all time"...but seriously, when I saw this video for the first time I needed a doctor to physically remove my jaw from the floor. Ok Go has been known for their clever videos, but this one trumps all of their previous videos, and every other video ever made. It was performed in one camera trickery...and the video doesn't even have a cameo by T-Pain! The video is based on a massive "Rube Goldberg" machine...a device, or apparatus that is a deliberately over-engineered machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction. It's like watching those falling dominos that make cool patterns...but it uses an entire garage worth of stuff to do it. From what I've read, Ok Go brought in a bunch of their fans who were engineering students to build it. The high nerdery level, coupled with the band's sense of humor, make this one awesome piece of performance art. I challenge you to show me a video that is better...that is more artistic...more entertaining...and more fun. You cannot do it, for it is impossible! Enjoy...
Buy their records...thank me later.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Top 7 Driving Songs
For the record, I'm a huge...wait...massive Nascar fan. I was fortunate enough to witness the pure awesomeness of Nascar this last weekend in Fontana, Ca. 150 laps, 43 cars, 170+ was a blast...and it was easily the loudest event I've ever been to. Spare yourself from thinking of some clever way to mock me in comment-form...I've heard all the jokes from my friends who usually pose questions like "when did Josh become a hick?", or "what life altering event caused Josh to start enjoying a bunch of cars going in circles?". Oh well...their loss. Nascar is no amount of chiding could ever break my fanatic interest in the greatest sport on Earth. Since I was basking in the roar of V8's this weekend, I thought I would do a list featuring my top 7 driving songs of all time. There have always been certain songs that seem to lend themselves to being played at high volumes on the open road...and since I have spent a lot of time traveling those roads I thought I would compile the best for you, the avid Maniccompression reader. Enjoy...
- U2 - "Where The Streets Have No Name": This song transports me to some mysterious place every time I hear's the perfect mix of lyrical imagery, and tempo that make it my not only my favorite U2 song of all time, but the best driving song of all time.
- Wilco - "ELT": The pedal-steel guitar line in this song floats above the that reminds me of driving through the depths of the U.S. on some lonely road somewhere. It's "americana" at it's finest...and it is my instant transport so someplace quiet. I could listen to this song over and over while watching the mile markers click by.
- The Emergency - "Slowpoke": When I wasn't touring I would make a daily commute down the 405 freeway in Orange County to work a temp job at a mortgage company. A 5 mile drive usually took 45 minutes...and this song got me through that horrible experience. It's full-blown, unapologetic rock, with more swagger than you will probably be able to handle.
- Social Distortion - "Highway 101": Social D did an excellent job with this song because every time I hear it I have a vision of me driving up the California coast in a '63 Corvette convertible...without a care in the world. The perfect driving song for a summer afternoon.
- Hot Water Music - "Remedy": This song was easily played 5000 times on a tour we did in 2002. I remember driving through Montana, blasting this perfect slice of punk rock. Everything about this song makes me want to
- The Exit - "Trapped": I was driving from Jersey to Penn after a show to visit some friends, and the only cd in the car I borrowed (thanks Chris) was The Exit. This song ended up on repeat for much of my trip. It was 2am...the snow was falling...and this was my soundtrack. It made an endless sea of toll plaza's a little more bearable.
- Cave In - "Big Riff": This song reminds me of driving back from shows in my little '86 Honda. I only had working speakers in the back, and this song would come close to blowing them every time. When it would end I would hit rewind on my tape player and play it again. A massive song that was heavy...spacey...and was perfect for an audience of one: me.
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: Honorable mention goes to Starflyer 59 for "I Drive A Lot"...I was going to list it yesterday but got busy doing other things. It was brought to my attention that my list was sorely lacking without it...and that, coupled with the fact that I do love the song, means it gets a message now.
Check out this great video here if you have a chance.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Weekend Picks - 03/25/11

Weekend Picks - 03/25/11
-Shiner - "The Egg"
-Josh Rouse - "Dressed Up Like Nebraska"
-Saves The Day - "Stay What You Are"
-Isis - "Oceanic"
-Richard Ashcroft - "United Nations Of Sound"
-Thrice - "The Alchemy Index (Volume 1)
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The link for Thrice is going to take you directly to them performing "Firebreather" live @ The House Of Blues. It's a great performance video...try not to rock out too hard in your cubicle.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Top 7 Huge Riffs (+1)

I've always been a fan of huge guitar riffs regardless of the genre...rock, hardcore, metal, post-hardcore. If there is a down-tuned guitar (we used to call it "drop-d goodness" back in the day) with any sort of groove...I'm usually into it. I remember when "grunge" broke, and major labels were signing every band that was somewhat heavy. This signing binge included great bands like Helmet (who had already released music on Amphetamine Reptile) and Quicksand (who had done an EP for Revelation Records)...bands that took the art of riff writing to a higher level. These were bands that sounded nothing like what was happening in Seattle, and they were more akin to the hardcore bands I'd been eating up in the early 90's. Helmet, Quicksand, Rage Against The Machine, Shift, Burn...these were all bands that I got into in the 90's...and these bands were able to write monstrous guitar riffs...riffs that were focused more on the groove, and less on guitar "shred". Since then I've been a sucker for a band that could write a good this is my amateurish attempt at putting down a list of what I consider to be the best hardcore/post-hardcore riffs.
Before I get to my list I have to make two clarifications: 1) Anything even remotely considered nĂ¼-metal is automatically excluded due to the overwhelming sense of "suck" that most bands in said genre exude (much to your dismay I'm sure). 2) I tried my best to steer away from what I consider "metal". That is a beast entirely unto itself...and my minimal amount of brain activity couldn't sort through which At The Gates song I would have to exclude (which is quite a chore seeing as though every song on "Slaughter Of The Soul" is awesome).
So here it short list of the best hardcore/post-hardcore riffs. Enjoy...
- Quicksand - "Lie And Wait" - lot's of dynamics. This song swells, and the riff is epic. Easily my favorite Quicksand song. Most of my friends will bust me for picking this song over "Land Mind Spring" or something else...but I think this song rocks the hardest.
- Handsome - "Lead Bellied" - One of the most ignored bands of all time...featuring members of Quicksand and The Cro-Mags. This song is's just a shame that only a handful of people bought this when it was released. I consider anyone who owns it my friend, and musical soul-mate.
- The Deftones - "Elite" - The only description I can give this song is "brutal." It's one of the most intense songs I've ever heard. I liken it to having your ears filed off with a power-sander...and enjoying every minute of it.
- Thrice - "Firebreather" - If you looked in the dictionary under "massive" it would have a footnote siting this song as personifying the word. Thrice has always perfectly balanced punk, and hardcore...but this song showcases their knack for dropping one huge riff.
- Helmet - "Smart" - Although I wasn't a huge fan of their "Size Matters" album, this track was everything great about Helmet. It's classic...and the guitar line tops everything else Paige Hamilton released...and that's a tall order considering his catalog of work.
- Coalesce - "What Happens On The Road Always Comes Home" - I've always considered Coalesce a hardcore band...and this song has what I consider their most swinging riff.
- Snapcase - "Harrison Bergeron" - I have always loved Snapcase...and this is, hands down, my favorite song by them. The drums, bass, and guitars work perfectly together to create a gargantuan wall of sound. It was heavy, without the cliched "chugga" riffs that were coming out of the hardcore scene at the time.
- Rage Against The Machine - "Bombtrack" - The first RATM album was chock full of great riffs...and "Bombtrack" is one of the best. It's proof that one guitar, one bass, and drums can create something that has an incredible amount of groove.
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is the mighty Coalesce...blowing away everyone in the audience, and obliterating the stage with their mid-west brand of hardcore insanity.
Before I get to my list I have to make two clarifications: 1) Anything even remotely considered nĂ¼-metal is automatically excluded due to the overwhelming sense of "suck" that most bands in said genre exude (much to your dismay I'm sure). 2) I tried my best to steer away from what I consider "metal". That is a beast entirely unto itself...and my minimal amount of brain activity couldn't sort through which At The Gates song I would have to exclude (which is quite a chore seeing as though every song on "Slaughter Of The Soul" is awesome).
So here it short list of the best hardcore/post-hardcore riffs. Enjoy...
- Quicksand - "Lie And Wait" - lot's of dynamics. This song swells, and the riff is epic. Easily my favorite Quicksand song. Most of my friends will bust me for picking this song over "Land Mind Spring" or something else...but I think this song rocks the hardest.
- Handsome - "Lead Bellied" - One of the most ignored bands of all time...featuring members of Quicksand and The Cro-Mags. This song is's just a shame that only a handful of people bought this when it was released. I consider anyone who owns it my friend, and musical soul-mate.
- The Deftones - "Elite" - The only description I can give this song is "brutal." It's one of the most intense songs I've ever heard. I liken it to having your ears filed off with a power-sander...and enjoying every minute of it.
- Thrice - "Firebreather" - If you looked in the dictionary under "massive" it would have a footnote siting this song as personifying the word. Thrice has always perfectly balanced punk, and hardcore...but this song showcases their knack for dropping one huge riff.
- Helmet - "Smart" - Although I wasn't a huge fan of their "Size Matters" album, this track was everything great about Helmet. It's classic...and the guitar line tops everything else Paige Hamilton released...and that's a tall order considering his catalog of work.
- Coalesce - "What Happens On The Road Always Comes Home" - I've always considered Coalesce a hardcore band...and this song has what I consider their most swinging riff.
- Snapcase - "Harrison Bergeron" - I have always loved Snapcase...and this is, hands down, my favorite song by them. The drums, bass, and guitars work perfectly together to create a gargantuan wall of sound. It was heavy, without the cliched "chugga" riffs that were coming out of the hardcore scene at the time.
- Rage Against The Machine - "Bombtrack" - The first RATM album was chock full of great riffs...and "Bombtrack" is one of the best. It's proof that one guitar, one bass, and drums can create something that has an incredible amount of groove.
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is the mighty Coalesce...blowing away everyone in the audience, and obliterating the stage with their mid-west brand of hardcore insanity.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Ryan Adams - "How Do You Keep Love Alive" (Live)
Ryan Adams has been in constant rotation for the last few days...and he is also the mid-week palate cleanser. I've been a fan of his since I first heard Whiskeytown back when I was dj'ing in Calgary. I've always thought his music was a perfect marriage of "americana", country, and The Smiths...a mix of influences that probably doesn't do him (or his work) justice. It's thousands of times better than some pithy description I could come up with...all I know is that his music resonates with me, and today's video is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever listened to. The music, coupled with incredible lyrics, make this song one of my favorites by him. Enjoy...
Lord, I miss that girl
On the day we met the sun was shining down
Down on the valley
Riddled with horses running
Crushing them with flowers
I would have picked for her
On the day she was born
She runs through my veins like a long black river
And rattles my cage like a thunderstorm
Oh my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
What, what are the words
They use when they know it's over
"We need to talk," or
"I'm confused, maybe later you can come over"
I would've held your mother's hand
On the day you was born
She runs through my veins
Like a long black river and rattles my cage
Like a thunderstorm
Oh, my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
How do you keep love alive?
On the day we met the sun was shining down
Down on the valley
Riddled with horses running
Crushing them with flowers
I would have picked for her
On the day she was born
She runs through my veins like a long black river
And rattles my cage like a thunderstorm
Oh my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
What, what are the words
They use when they know it's over
"We need to talk," or
"I'm confused, maybe later you can come over"
I would've held your mother's hand
On the day you was born
She runs through my veins
Like a long black river and rattles my cage
Like a thunderstorm
Oh, my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
How do you keep love alive?
Buy his records...thank me later.
Monday, March 21, 2011
American Vitriol

Real bands/real musicians/real vocalists (notice the emphasis on real) have no need for AI with the current state of technology. Anyone with a computer can record their own music, and have it online (with videos) in a matter of minutes (Justin Beiber loves himself some youtube)...all ready for mass-consumption without the need to prostitute yourself on a karaoke tv show. I think the contestants on AI truly want to "make it" in the business...but I also think that they want fame without work...and I think the contestants are just as bad as the creators of AI. Maybe I'm making a gross generalization? I just don't see any other plausible reason for someone going on AI outside of wanting to have fame without putting in the work to attain such fame. U2 didn't have AI. Jimmy Eat World didn't win some contest to become a working band. Sade didn't need a glorified karaoke contest to record...tour...and have her work fawned over by millions of people. What we see on AI is something that happens every week day, in every airport hotel lounge, all over the world. Thousands of people singing along to their favorite songs...some incredibly talented...some to drunk to remember to read the cued words. It's been done billions of times...and despite it being somewhat fun to do occasionally, it doesn't come close to the real thing. I'll take watching (and supporting) a real band over karaoke any day of the week. So do yourself a favor...go see an actual band, or singer, or musician playing at a local bar, club, community center, basement, or church. Spare yourself from an over-hyped 2 hours of nonsense twice a week...with a group of empty-shelled voices trying to "make it".
That is my disjointed...vitriolic rant...and also my encouragement for the week. Don't watch American Idol...and go support a band or two this week.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Weekend Picks - 03/18/11

Weekend Picks - 03/18/11
-Summer Darling: "Summer Darling"
-Little Hurricane: "Homewrecker"
-Moneen: "Are We Really Happy With Who We Are Right Now?"
-The Jealous Sound: "Kill Them With Kindness"
-The Deftones: "Diamond Eyes"
-Starflyer 59: "Americana"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: First, I need to thank Rosie from SDdialedin for turning me on to Little Hurricane. They are awesome...and since I am somewhat of a hermit I probably would have gone my whole life without hearing about them. Good thing for me that I frequent her blog. Second, the picture above is Starflyer 59 circa 1993...rocking the bowl-cuts and the Moto-guzzi bikes.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
SXSW + Buzzgrinder + Free Beer = Good Times

For the record, Buzzgrinder has been my music-website drug of choice for 10 years now...and despite their occasional lapse in musical judgment, they have been, by far, the most consistent site in turning me on to incredible music. They've managed to do this without all the music-snobbery of other "big" websites...and they're nice people to! Do yourself a favor...go down to Valhalla in Austin...crack open 10 or 12 "tallboys"...and allow yourself to be serenaded by some of the best bands at this years SXSW!
Go to this show...your beer-soaked carcass can thank me later.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Deftones - "Minerva"
Here is a mid-week palate cleanser from The Deftones. I was sitting in my office yesterday and I was able to watch the sun creep over the mountains...and this song was playing. It was "a moment", The Deftones are a great band. Darren Doane (director) was able to get some amazing shots of the southeastern corner of California...about 5 miles from the Arizona border. It's beautiful scenery...and in my opinion this song is a perfect soundtrack to it. I always admired how The Deftones could mix heavy, pummeling music with soaring melodies...and I think this song showcases their knack at doing both very well. Enjoy...
Buy their records...thank me later.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Derek Hess

Today's music buying culture is a completely different beast from what I knew growing up. Before the digital take-over, people had to really do some digging to find out more about the bands they liked...and that digging usually involved a handful of s.a.s.e.'s (for all of you kids who've never actually mailed a real letter that's "self addressed stamped envelope"), and months of waiting for catalogs and/or replies. Now I won't complain about the convenience that digital downloads give's nice to not have to leave the house to find a record you want...and with one click of the mouse it's in your Itunes player...ready for digestion. Although convenience can be nice, the biggest casualty (and this is debatable, I'm sure) in the digital music age has not been the local record store (although they have sadly suffered), but actual album art-work. People don't care about the artwork's all 1's and 0's streaming onto a computer...nothing to touch...or have in your hands. Album packaging, art, design, and how it ties in with the album it's representing...those were all things that added to the over-all music experience when buying albums. It's one of the reasons I mentioned Storm Thorgerson, and his design work with Catherine Wheel. I always loved putting on a record...then sitting down and pouring over the artwork, lyrics, and pictures...trying to not only wrap my tiny brain around the music, but around the entire concept. So many graphic designers/artists have done album work that has been iconic...that shaped a label, or band. Look at the work done for 4AD, and The Pixies, by Vaughn Oliver (v23)...or the album art done for Hot Water Music by SINC...or even the Oasis branding, and album covers, done by Brian Cannon (Microdot UK). These are just 3 examples of artists who did more than just lend a picture to some band...they created art that was an integral part of the entire music experience. Along with these artists, one of my favorite music artists has been Derek Hess. This Cleveland music fan, dog lover, and artist has been doing work for bands for decades...creating art for everyone from Nine Inch Nails to Snapcase. His work is incredible...and he has an uncanny knack for capturing motion in relation to the human body. He brings a fluid feeling to his figures (human, animal, or a mixture of both)...and uses classical techniques (Contrapposto, as one example, for all you art historians out there) as the basis for his other-worldy creations. Think Michaelangelo...if he lived right now...and no, I'm not exaggerating...Derek Hess is an amazing talent. When you see his work (and I'm sure many of you have seen it and not realized it was his) you know it's a Derek Hess's nothing less than iconic. His list of accomplishments would consume my little blog for months...and so could my fan-boy gushing. I'll spare you from having to endure my pithy ramblings and post some of my favorite works by him. Enjoy...

Buy his art...thank me later.
Note: The picture at the top of the post was done by Derek Hess for my old band, The Beautiful Mistake. It was our first release since a massive member change...and Derek thought the new songs sounded like a "rebirth" he drew what became our album cover. I consider working with Derek Hess as one of the high points of my music journey...he was one of the most genuine, friendly people I met while touring. A true supporter of the scene, regardless of how big (or small) your band happened to was a honor to have him design an album cover for us.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Top 7 Tooth & Nail Albums

- StrongArm - "Advent Of A Miracle": This record was akin to being hit by a sledgehammer...and enjoying it. It was passionate, heavy, and wildly intricate. It (along with bands like Shai Hulud) opened my eyes to hardcore being more than just mindless "chugga" riffs. I consider this album to be one of the best hardcore releases of all time.
- Starflyer 59 - "Silver": It was a wall of distortion, feedback, vibrato and chorus pedals. The hushed vocals wove their way through huge riffs...the guitars (endlessly multi-tracked) were big, and the shoegazing was on "11". This album sounded like nothing else...and still sounds that way.
- Stavesacre - "Speakeasy": Although it wasn't their first record, "Speakeasy" contained their best "songs", and their best riffs. The music was heavy, driving, and the vocals (Mark Soloman) were tops. This record was so good it should have catapulted them into teen-aged stardom...they should have been huge.
- Roadside Monument - "8 Hours Away From Being A Man": This album covered every dynamic was loud, soft, and everything in between...with pure emotion dripping off every note and with every lyric sung. The term "emo" could apply...but then you'd probably be thinking Fall Out Boy when you should be thinking Rites Of Spring. "8 Hours..." is an incredible record.
- Pedro The Lion - "Whole" Ep: This was my first taste of David Bazans work...a great little EP of indie-rock goodness. The music was great...and the lyrics were even better. "Almost There" is still one of my favorite Pedro The Lion songs.
- Further Seems Forever - "The Moon Is Down": This band featured members of Strongarm...and to me it sounded a lot like a mellower version of them. The songs were intricate, the arrangements were full of different movements, and the vocals (Chris Carrabba) soared. This album did a great job capturing the spirit of what "emo" had become in the early 2000's...and it's still one of my favorite records from that time.
- Plankeye - "The Spark": Plankeye was one of the bands I used to drive all over Southern California to see. Their live show was always great, and this album did a good job capturing the energy of their live performances. It's a great piece of alt-rock/power-pop circa 1995.
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: There have been a lot of great releases by T&N that I didn't get to...and would once again call for another post to fit them in. I still listen to albums by As Cities Burn, Dogwood, Driver8, Morella's Forest, Za0, Underoath, Anberlin, and Mike Knott to name a few.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Weekend Picks - 03/11/11

Tuesday is usually the day that new music is released...and it just might blow your mind if you could see just how many albums are released weekly. Loads of nonsense shipped to fill up shelves in record stores...some of it new...some of it old (with great new artwork!). Wasn't it Morrissey who said "reissue, repackage, repackage..."? Despite a truck-load of bad records released this week, there happened to be 2 excellent albums quietly put out...and people in "the know" (like myself) quickly scooped them up (Rival Schools, and Rheanna Downey). Now if you missed out on purchasing these records, you can still change can still salvage your weekend so it's not a total loss! Here are my weekend picks...2 brand new records, 1 record that is yet to be released (but can be listened to here), and 3 albums you should have purchased a long time ago. Enjoy...
Weekend Picks - 03/11/11
-The Violet Burning: "The Story Of Our Lives" (still unreleased)
-Rival Schools: "Pedals"
-Rheanna Downey: "Pull The Moon"
-The Tallest Man On Earth: "The Wild Hunt"
-Gliss: "Devotion Implosion"
-Ryan Adams: "Love Is Hell"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is Gliss...rocking the stage at the Silverlake lounge. A huge thank-you to Stephanie for suggesting them. They remind me of The Jesus And Mary Chain, minus the Reid brothers fighting in between songs. They are incredible!
Weekend Picks - 03/11/11
-The Violet Burning: "The Story Of Our Lives" (still unreleased)
-Rival Schools: "Pedals"
-Rheanna Downey: "Pull The Moon"
-The Tallest Man On Earth: "The Wild Hunt"
-Gliss: "Devotion Implosion"
-Ryan Adams: "Love Is Hell"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is Gliss...rocking the stage at the Silverlake lounge. A huge thank-you to Stephanie for suggesting them. They remind me of The Jesus And Mary Chain, minus the Reid brothers fighting in between songs. They are incredible!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Catherine Wheel - Manic Compression Greatest Songs Album

1. "Heal 2" - Like Cats And Dogs
2. "Crank" - Chrome
3. "Judy Staring At The Sun" (w/ Tonya Donnelly) - Single Version
4. "Intravenous" - Nowhere Soundtrack
5. "What We Want To Believe In" - Wishville
6. "Harder Than I Am" - Like Cats And Dogs
7. "Shocking" - Happy Days
8. "Eat My Dust..." - Happy Days
9. "Mad Dog" - Wishville
10. "Bill And Ben" - Ferment
11. "Ma Solituda" - Adam And Eve
12. "Strange Fruit" - Chrome
13. "Broken Nose" - Adam And Eve"
14. "The Nude" - Chrome
15. "Here Comes The Fat Controller" - Adam And Eve
16. "Black Metallic" - Ferment
Buy their records...thank me later.
Note: Along with an awesome set of songs, Catherine Wheel also had some of the best album artwork ever released. The majority of the art was done by British designer Storm Thorgerson, who did album covers for Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and The Cranberries to name a few. His work added a perfect visual element to their albums...sadly lost today in the world of digital downloads. The picture above was the cover of their "Chrome" album.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mew - "Am I Wry? No"
Here is a mid-week palate cleanser from amazing band that is far too under appreciated. One of my goals with this blog is to continue to showcase music I think is awesome...and Mew fits squarely into that category. I know, I know...with every new post you (and the rest of the world) are blessed with more awesome that is sure to improve your already sorry record collection. It's my attempt at doing the public a "service"...oh the humility. I wouldn't know where to begin in describing their brand of's like a weird cross between Sunny Day Real Estate, Coheed & Cambria, and U2...and even that mash-up isn't a fair representation of their brilliance. Sit back, relax, and get lost in 4 minutes of pure rock bliss. Enjoy...
Buy their records...thank me later.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Rheanna Downey - "Pull The Moon"

Sitting comfortably in the musical arena of Patty Griffin, EmmyLou Harris, and Shawn Colvin (which is some pretty awesome company, musically speaking), Rheanna brings us 13 well-crafted songs, that have both lyrical depth and intricate orchestration. The record starts off with "Raise My Hands", a mid-tempo song that showcases Downey's knack for placing instruments, and vocals, in all the right places. The electric guitar weaves through the vocal melodies, with the piano and drums lending themselves more to atmosphere than to conquering the mix. The vocals are "up front", but they totally lack the usual thin "folk" singing that plagues most records in this genre. This is why I think this record is so special...the music sounds vibrant (and current), without being derivative. The record meanders through different styles seamlessly, melding jazz phrasing/chords ("Walls Of Snow") , with bluegrass ("It Will Find You"...for the record, the banjo hasn't sounded this good in decades), and spacey-sounding folk ("All I Want"...easily the best song on the record). Lyrically, the record deals with ideas of Faith, God, and one's "past" in a way that is neither preachy, or shallow. I think that tackling issues of faith can be the downfall of many artists, where their zeal (which isn't a bad thing) ends up trumping honesty and/or accessability. The listener is the "outsider"...and is left with a sort of "sermon" on what they're not doing "right." In the case of this record, Downey is able to balance the feelings of yearning, questioning, and worship in a way that draws the listener in, makes them feel comfortable, and never reaches a point where the listener can't relate. It's like sitting on the porch with someone and having a's comfortable, and it's pretty far removed from having some sweaty guy in a cheap suit throwing 'hellfire" at your face. This quality, coupled with the music, makes "Pull The Moon" a great portrait of how good the singer/songwriter genre can be. Easily one of the best records of the's a perfect mix of great vocals, beautifully crafted songs, and lyrics that display true honesty and emotion.
Buy this record...thank me later.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Weekend Picks - 03/04/11

Weekend Picks - 03/04/11
-The Hold Steady: "Stay Positive"
-The Replacements: "Let It Be"
-Low: "Things We Lost In The Fire"
-Prince: "Purple Rain"
-Husker DĂ¼: "Zen Arcade"
-The Dillinger Four: "Versus God"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is me...Christmas 0f '87...the year The Twins won the World Series...the Christmas I ended up receiving every piece of WS memorabilia...and ended up trying to wear it all at the same time.
Note Part II: The Hold Steady, being part of the Twins faithful, wrote a "fight song" for the Twins last year...and it's awesome. Enjoy...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Fugazi - "Song #1" (Live)
Here is a mid-week palate cleanser from Fugazi...easily one of the greatest punk bands of all time. Always known for their DIY ethic, they were instrumental in showing bands, and musicians, that you could do "music" on your own terms. They showed that you didn't need big-budget managers, you didn't need huge record labels, and that you didn't need to commercialize your art to be successful. Their records were always sold at a fair price, their live shows were usually $5 to get into, and their "punk" spirit inspired thousands of kids to start bands, and thousands of people to start their own record labels. I remember back in 2000 I mailed a letter to Ian MacKaye telling him how much Fugazi meant to me, and how they were an inspiration to me musically. I admit it was a fairly juvenile expression of fan-boy enthusiasm...but I sent it anyways. A few weeks later I got a letter back from him, thanking me for my support and encouraging me to keep doing music on my own terms. Probably one of the nicest notes I've ever received from someone I looked up to musically (and probably the only one). Watch the video...enjoy a few minutes of a real band rocking in a high school auditorium...playing with more emotion and passion in 2 minutes than most bands could muster in an entire career. Enjoy...
Buy their records, start a band...thank me later.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Legos + Music = Fun

Q.) What could be better than great album art?
A.) Great album art that's been reinterpreted through a Lego-filter! I've always been a Lego fan, and seeing these albums re-done with Legos is 100% awesome. Instead of playing minesweeper this morning, please head here to see the rest of the Lego-album vignettes. Enjoy...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Cush - "Always Disappear"

Buy their records...thank me later.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Weekend Picks - 02/25/11

Weekend Picks - 02/25/11
-The Casket Lottery: "Survival Is For Cowards"
-Handsome: "S/T"
-Catherine Wheel: "Chrome"
-Cush: "S/T"
-The Myriad: "With Arrows, With Poise"
-Year Of The Rabbit: "S/T"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is of The Casket amazing band from Lawrence, KS. They had a huge sound, and should have had a huge following...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Taking Back Sunday - "Cute Without The E" (Cut From The Team)
Here is a mid-week palate cleanser from Taking Back Sunday. I loved the movie "Fight Club"...and I enjoyed their adaptation of it in this video. Back in the day (when I was making music videos), music video budgets for "indie" bands were really if you look at the majority of videos from the early 2000's, you get a lot of videos that look the same. They all seemed to follow the same basic which I'll try to break down for you:
Indie-rock music video 101: Band playing in corn field. Cut to cute girl breaking up with guy (lead singer of band playing in said corn field). Cut to lead singer of band who is bummed because the girl dissed him (he deserves better, right?!). Cut to band...instruments aren't plugged in since there is no electricity in the corn field but band continues to play with reckless abandon. Cut back to lead guy writing poetry about girl (ties in with the lyrics of actual song). Cut to lead guy mailing letter to girl. Band still rocking in field. Bridge of the song: Cut to girl reading letter. Cut to "screamer of the band" getting his cameo during their "hardcore" part. Cut to lead singer picking up phone. Cut to girl calling to get back together. Cut back to "screamer" just pushing the jr. high lyrics of lead guy to "11". Cut to lead guy walking with girl (holding hands). Cut to some ironic closing scene with thousands of letters from the lead guy to girl in the trash (or something akin to that) so we can visualize his overwhelming sense of rejection/inferiority/poor writing skills. Fade out from corn field.
Did you get all that? Kudos to Taking Back Sunday for making a video that doesn't suck. Enjoy...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Morrissey - Manic Compression Greatest Songs Album

1. "Jack The Ripper" (Live) - Beethoven Was Deaf
2. "The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores" - You Are The Quarry
3. "Hairdresser On Fire" - Viva Hate
4. "Speedway" - Vauxhall And I
5. "Glamorous Glue" - Your Arsenal
6. "It's Not Your Birthday Anymore" - Years Of Refusal
7. "Suedehead" - Bona Drag
8. "Alma Matters" - Maladjusted
9. "You Have Killed Me" - Ringleader Of The Tormented
10. "Southpaw" - Southpaw Grammar
11. "Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?" - Vauxhall And I
12. "That's How People Grow Up" - Years Of Refusal
13. "The National Front Disco" - Your Arsenal
14. "November Spawned A Monster" - Bona Drag
15. "Mute Witness" - Kill Uncle
Note: I wanted to include his incredible live version of "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out"...but out of respect for Johnny Marr (and The Smiths) I didn't include it on my list.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Radiohead - "The King Of Limbs"

I don't buy it...but then again I am the first to admit that I don't "get" anything they have put out after the perfection of "Ok Computer." I'm one of those Radiohead fans...give me a copy of "The Bends" and "OKC" and I'm as happy as a clam. I've purchased every release of theirs since "KidA"...and with each release I am disappointed. I'll probably be buying this new record as well, secretly hoping that it will be awesome, but I'll more than likely be content to keep Radiohead stuck in the 90's. All we (music fans) can do is wait (for the physical release)...and while we are biting our nails with anticipation we get to read post after post on how awesome "The King Of Limbs" is, and how it is going to "revolutionize rock". Maybe it will do that...maybe music, as we know it, will be turned upside down because of it. Maybe it will be one of those records that defines a generation...the heavens will part and all of us will "get it"...
Until then I won't be holding my breath...and based on the first single maybe you shouldn't either.
Note: A) The piece above is my opinion. B) The band is talented...I don't doubt that...I'm just not fond of how they've used their talents the last 11 years.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Weekend Picks - 02/18/11

Weekend Picks - 02/18/11
-Adele: "19"
-The Gutter Twins: "Saturnalia"
-The Beatles: "Rubber Soul"
-Envy: "Recitation"
-Zao: "Liberate Te Ex Inferis"
-Massive Attack: "Blue Lines"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: The picture above is Greg Dulli (Afghan Whigs/Twilight Singers), and Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees), the duo who make up The Gutter Twins. Awesome band...awesome vocalists.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Top 7 Sub Pop Albums

- Sunny Day Real Estate - "Diary": It was (and still is) like nothing I had heard before. I could write essays on why this album is amazing...the vocals, the music...where to begin? Everyone who bought this album eventually started a band, myself included.
- The Spinanes - "Strand": This was my first introduction to the rock "duo" ("where's the bass player?" my teen-aged brain wondered). Light-years before Matt & Kim, The Spinanes were dropping indie-pop gems with just one guitar, and one drum kit. To this day Rebecca Gates is still one of my favorite vocalists.
- Velocity Girl - "Simpatico": I got way into indie-pop stuff, and Velocity Girl nailed that sub-genre for me. The guitars jangled, and the melodies were syrupy sweet. This record personified "college" rock, and they reminded me of The Posies with a girl singing...and I love me some Posies.
- The Afghan Whigs - "Gentlemen": I fell for the music...a mixture of post-punk edginess and motown soul. Greg Dulli sounded like a man possessed, writhing over a barrage of big guitars, and even bigger drums. This album had rage.
- The Murder City Devils - "Broken Bottles, Empty Hearts": I had soured on most "punk" that had been coming out...until I heard this. It was danceable, it was dark, and it was pissed off. 3 aspects of this record that hooked me. If this had been purchased on cassette I would have easily worn out 4-5 copies of it. Easily...
- Band Of Horses - "Cease To Begin": It was one part Beach Boys, with a little Eagles mixed in (minus the usual "suck" factor that is associated with anything "Eagles".). The songs had an ethereal quality to them...and the arrangements were about as close to perfect as you could get. Hearing this record truly blew my was inspiring and accessible.
- The Jesus And Mary Chain - "Munki": Maybe the Reid brothers were in the twilight of their career, but this record is still one of my favorites by them. It's fuzzed out pop...fueled by beer, cigarettes, sibling rivalry, and shoe-gazing. TJAMC are hard to top...and I was glad to see SubPop release it.
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: Narrowing it down to 7 releases by a seminal label like SubPop is difficult. These are MY favorite albums...and I'm still leaving out records by Jale, Red House Painters, The Gutter Twins, Godheadsilo, Jeremy Enigk, Damien Jurado, and The Album Leaf. There will have to be a "part 2"...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Afghan Whigs - "Somethin' Hot" (Live)
Here is a mid-week palate cleanser from one of my favorite bands of all time...The Afghan Whigs. 1998, promoting their record "1965"...they added background singers and piano...but never lost the swagger, and edge, of their earlier material. If Marvin Gaye had been raised on 80's post-punk...and was Caucasian...he may have fronted a band like The Afghan Whigs. Enjoy...
Note: If you aren't familiar with them I would recommend picking up a copy of "Black Love"'s film-noir set to edgy alt. rock.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Gasoline Heart - "Nostalgia Ain't What It Used To Be"

One part AA meeting, one part emotional exorcism, and one part prayer vigil...this record puts the listener squarely in the lap of lead singer Louis Defabrizo. His lyrics lack the usual high-gloss portrait of excess that easily lend themselves to ridicule. In other words, this isn't the adolescent musings of someone who thinks they know what it's like to feel pain, or be drunk, or have the one you love walk out on you. The lyrics are an honest view into the mind (and heart) of someone who has experienced these things first hand. The lyrical themes play well with a band that sits comfortably in the same musical landscape as The Replacements or The Hold Steady. It's's's full of energy minus stupid "rock" cliches. Uptempo rockers like "Look Up Baby...", and "Can't Keep A Good Kid Down", sit comfortably in the vein of Tom Petty, without sounding derivative. The gritty vocal delivery by Defabrizo compliments the music throughout the album, having a powerful effect on both the fast and slow songs. "Never Been Worse" (book-ended by "Never Been Better") is a great example of how powerful/honest lyrics, fused to a slow tempo, can draw you's heavy, yet subtle. For the entire record there's an overwhelming sense of urgency with the songs (regardless of tempo or dynamic) while they might fit nicely in a bar-room, they still sound energetic and fresh. This record has been in rotation with me since I bought it. Through it all there is love, loss, depression, alcohol, and a thousand other feelings...but regardless of the subject matter there seems to be an underlying current of hope which shows the listener that life isn't solely made up of the garbage we deal with. Gasoline Heart...a rock band that plays, and sings, with real conviction...a rare, and awesome combination.
Buy this record...thank me later.
Valentines Day In Manhattan...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
U2 - ManicCompression Greatest Songs Album

1. "Where The Streets Have No Name" - The Joshua Tree
2. "Like A Song" - War
3. "Do You Feel Loved?" - Pop
4. "Miracle Drug" - How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
5. "Heartland" - Rattle And Hum
6. "Ultraviolet" - Achtung Baby
7. "The Unforgettable Fire" - The Unforgettable Fire
8. "Kite" - All That You Can't Leave Behind
9. "So Cruel" - Achtung Baby
10. "Stay Far Away (So Close)" - Zooropa
11. "Bad" - The Unforgettable Fire
12. "New Years Day" - War
13. "Is That All?" - October
14. "With Or Without You" - Rattle And Hum
15. "Exit" - The Joshua Tree
16. "Twilight" - Boy
17. "In God's Country" - The Joshua Tree
18. "Breathe" - No Line On The Horizon
19. "Please" - Pop
Buy ALL of their records...thank me later.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Weekend Picks - 02/11/11

Weekend Picks - 02/11/11
-Jonsi: "Go"
-Social Distortion: "Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell"
-The Verve: "A Storm In Heaven"
-The 77's: "Sticks And Stones"
-Rheanna Downey: "Tour De Felicite EP"
-Kathleen Edwards: "Back To Me"
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: If you don't know who the picture above're beyond saving. Mike Ness (Social Distortion) and The Boss (The Boss)...two rock "peas in a pod" at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ. They did a great rendition of "Bad Luck" with the E Street Band a few years ago. Ness came out to sing it with Springsteen at his L.A. date...and the crowd went nuts.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sigur Ros - "Hoppipola" - Heima (Live)
Here's a little mid-week palate cleanser from Sigur Ros. Not only does it showcase the grandiose beauty that is Sigur Ros, but it also give us a little taste as to how beautiful Iceland really is. This is one of my favorite songs by them...and it's refreshing to see a band pull of their sound in a live setting...even if it takes half of a marching band to do it. Enjoy...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Gates - "The Sun Will Rise And Lead Me Home"

"The Sun Will Rise And Lead Me Home," is a six song slice of brilliance. This EP is perfect...and I would be hard pressed to give very many examples of "perfect" records (granted it is only six songs...but I won't disparage it due to brevity). While it loosely reminds me of other bands (The Appleseed Cast, for one), it is NOT a nostalgia trip through the Deep Elm discography. The songs swell, with delayed guitar parts weaving in between each other. The drums breathe...striking a balance between pushing the tempos a long, and pausing just long enough to allow a guitar, or vocal melody, to rise above the mix. The vocals are crisp and powerful, and the sense of good melody really shines above the beauty of the instruments. There have always been bands that were able to build amazing sound-scapes (Explosions In The Sky, Tristeza), but many of those bands lacked the pop sensibilities that people could grasp. Gates does an excellent job melding those two worlds together...beautiful mini-epics married to a strong display of vocal melody. Real "songs" that are an ideal place to get lost in during your 30 minute lunch break.
Buy this record...thank me later.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Top 7 Rock Albums From San Diego

-Rocket From The Crypt - "Scream, Dracula, Scream!": This is rock-n-roll in it's purest's primal...manic...and it's huge amounts of fun. If The Stooges had been a "Motown" band I think they would have sounded a lot like RFTC. If this album was any more "fun" it would be illegal.
-Pinback - "Blue Screen Life": For me, this record defines what good "indie" rock should sound like. Catchy songs, intricate percussion/beats, and smart lyrics. Very few bands do an adequate job of mastering the art of subtlety, and Pinback trumps them all.
-No Knife - "Riot For Romance": This record is angular, full of big guitars, and never delves to far into the realm of math-rock inaccessibility. Never derivative, No Knife truly hit their stride with this record...a post-punk classic that could easily rival anything on Dischord.
-Drive Like Jehu - "Yank Crime": This is what punk rock should sound like...It's loud, aggressive and dissonant. This record spawned a thousand bands trying their best to recreate this album, and all of them failed miserably.
-P.O.D. - "Satellite": P.O.D. had been doing the rock/rap thing since the early 1990' when they finally broke into the mainstream their sound was no surprise to me (or the legions of SD fans they already had). This album was a mix of everything I liked about them (heavy music/epic choruses/faith) without any of the nu-metal stupidity that went a long with most of the bands they were compared to.
-Three Mile Pilot - "The Chief Assassin To The Sinister": Epic in's an experimental emotional ride that will totally blow your mind and leave your jaw permanently stuck to the floor. It's heavy, it's is "progressive" minus the overwhelming sense of "suck" that is associated with anything "prog".
-Delta Spirit - "History From Below": A great record that teases the listener with country, bluegrass, and rock...propelled by "Bushwick Blues"...a delicious slice of songwriting brilliance from these San Diego natives.
Buy these records...thank me later.
Note: This list was difficult because with each album I posted, I thought of another record I wanted to include. "Lists" are here are some San Diego bands that also deserve a mention: Lucy's Fur Coat, Rust, Convoy, Superunloader, Dryve, Loam, Buck-O-Nine, Hot Snakes, Reeve Oliver, Fluf, Tristeza/The Album Leaf, and The Rugburns.
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